Call for Proposals
Bonefish & Tarpon Trust invites proposals for research to estimate the economic value of the flats fisheries (primarily bonefish, tarpon, and permit) in the Florida Keys. The Florida Keys are recognized as the birth place of flats fishing and they remain at the center of the universe for modern flats fishing. Despite the long history of flats fishing in the Florida Keys, there has never been an assessment of the economic value of the fishery, information that is essential to effective conservation.
Bonefish & Tarpon Trust will fund a study to document the importance of the flats fishery (bonefish, tarpon, and permit) to the Florida Keys economy. The study will show the diversity of businesses reliant upon these fisheries and magnitude of the economic impact that includes local expenditures and tourism, individual expenditures as well as charters. This study will not only be valuable because it will be the first to document the expenditures made by anglers and the effect this spending has on local economies, but it will also provide a baseline against which to measure future policy and management actions. By having this baseline study, the economic effects of changes in fisheries populations and fishing effort due to habitat alterations, water quality changes, and other factors can be assessed and considered by managers and policy makers.
If you’d like to submit a proposal for research submission, details are available, if you’d like to contribute to this project, visit our donate now page and specify Florida Keys Initiative in the referer box. Contributions in any amount are welcome.